
I’m a Certified Personal Development Coach

Coaching is a highly tuned and powerful process of communication and problem solving in which we’ll build a support system that will provide you with an accountability partner, safe opportunities for meaningful dialogue, new perspectives and expanded options, inspiration & motivation, potential solutions, and next steps.

Discovery Call

A great opportunity to experience what coaching can do for you.

1-on-1 Coaching

A Co-Creative relationship focused entirely on your interests, challenges, and goals.

Group Coaching

A facilitative process that leverages the experience, resources, and knowledge of a group of individuals.


An intensive focus on a variety of techniques and skills that will help you navigate your journey.


What is Coaching?
Coaching is a highly tuned and powerful process of communication and problem solving. It’s a Co-Creative relationship focused entirely on your interests, challenges, and goals.
What are the benefits of Coaching?
Coaching is a support system that will provide you with; an accountability partner, safe opportunities for meaningful dialogue, new perspectives and expanded options, inspiration & motivation, potential solutions, and next steps.
How do I know if I need Coaching?
Coaching is an investment not a necessity. No one NEEDS it. Enrolling demonstrates you value yourself enough to invest in a process that will help you become your best version.
Is Coaching like Therapy or Consulting?

Therapists help their clients work through healing, recovery, and issue resolution. Coaches help enhance their client’s lives through action.

Consultants advise their clients on how to solve problems.Coaches guide their clients to their own solutions.

Get in touch with Eddie

How it works

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

A Discovery Call will serve as the foundation to our Co-Creative Relationship. We will create a safe place that’ll help us appreciate and understand if a partnership is ideal right now.

Choose a Coaching Plan

Together we will choose the Coaching Plan that works best for your schedule; Weekly, biweekly, or monthly sessions for a minimum of 16 sessions.

Reach Your Goals

Co-Creating a support system will provide you with an accountability partner, safe opportunities for meaningful dialogue, new perspectives & expanded options, inspiration & motivation, potential solutions, and next steps to reach your goals.

Discovery Call

What is a Discovery Call?
A Discovery Call is a conversation between myself and a perspective client where the goal is to uncover overarching goals and discuss possible strategies that can be achieved through coaching.
How long is the Discovery Call?
The Discovery Call is 60 minutes long.
What are the benefits of a Discovery Call?
It’s a great setting for formal introductions, and an opportunity to learn more about my services as well as discover what your current needs and/or challenges are and if I can support you in solving those challenges.
I’m a little nervous, could you break this down for me?
Of course! You and I will go over introductions and discuss your thoughts on coaching. We’ll then talk about some of your desired take-aways while highlighting some challenges you may be experiencing, personal and/or professional.
And then what? (After the Discovery Call)
The Discovery Call is the beginning of our partnership and will give us the insights necessary, based on our conversation and the information exchanged, to properly evaluate if a Co-Creative relationship between us will benefit you right now.

Inspirational Presentations

I’m an Inspirational Speaker

I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to share my story and inspire others. Fortunately, by carefully choosing which part of my story best relates to my audience, I have been able to present before business leaders at the Bridgeport Regional Business Council, community leaders at Faith Acts for Education, high school seniors at the Bridgeport Public Education Fund, and middle school children at Hall Neighborhood House, to name a few. I’ve also been invited to speak to students of the Springfield Public Schools in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Often I’m asked why inspiration and not motivation and my answer is simple; Motivation comes and goes, and it expires. Inspiration lives inside of us, and it’s forever.

I would absolutely love to bring my inspiration to your group, team, students, workplace, organization, event, etc. Let’s connect!


I’m a Certified DiSC Facilitator

The DiSC Assessment is a profiling tool that provides a foundation of self-awareness that can help decrease interpersonal conflict, improve communication, and increase employee engagement. Each year, over 1 million people discover their personal DiSC style.

  • In particular, The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile focuses on:
    • Your DiSC Style
    • Others’ DiSC Styles
    • Building More Effective Relationships
    • Stressors and Motivators
    • People Reading
  • This report is designed for anyone in an organization, regardless of title or role. It’s perfect for personal development regardless if you are just starting your career or an expert in your field.
  • Through DiSC, we learn our natural behaviors and why our co-workers, friends, and family behave the way they do.  Everyone has a specific DiSC style and it’s through the assessment that we can start to understand anyone (including ourselves) at a deeper level. Essentially, the DiSC model offers an easy and memorable way for us to understand ourselves and those around us.

In addition to Workplace, I facilitate training in other DiSC profiles like Emotional Intelligence, Management, and Sales. Accordingly, these profiles focus on:

  • Emotional Intelligence:
    • Your Emotional Intelligence Mindset
    • Adjusting to Others’ Emotional Intelligence Mindsets
  • Management:
    • Developing a Leaders Management Style
    • Improving Communication Skills
    • Increasing Employee Engagement
  • Sales:
    • Understanding Your Sales Style
    • Identifying and Understanding Your Customer’s Buying Styles
    • Discovering How to Adapt to Meet Your Customer’s Needs


I’m a Certified Girl’s Circle and Council for Boys & Young Men Program Facilitator

Girl’s Circle

When girls voice their ideas and opinions in a safe environment, it strengthens their confidence and self-esteem and encourages them to express themselves more fully and critically through their behavior and choices. By examining cultural expectations in a safe and supportive setting, girls gain greater awareness of their options and strengthen their ability to make choices that are consistent with their values, interests, and talents.

  • Girls Circle is the FIRST gender-responsive program in the country to demonstrate effectiveness in reducing delinquency for girls… Now listed on SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs.
  • The Girls Circle model is a structured support group for girls* and youth who identify with female development from 9-18 years, integrates relational theory, resiliency practices, and skills training in a specific format designed to increase positive connection, personal and collective strengths, and competence in girls.  It aims to counteract social and interpersonal forces that impede girls’ growth and development by promoting an emotionally safe setting and structure within which girls can develop caring relationships and use authentic voices.

As a facilitator I set a safe, creative environment and provide weeks of age-appropriate themes and activities. Girls Circles are most often held weekly for 1 1/2 to two hours, in-person or online. Each week I lead the group of girls through a format that includes each youth taking turns talking and listening to one another respectfully about their concerns and interests. The circle participants express themselves further through creative or focused activities such as role playing, drama, journaling, media, murals, poetry, drama, movement, drawing, collage, clay, visualization and imagery, and so on. 

Gender-responsive themes and topics are introduced which relate to the girls’ lives, such as being a girl, trusting ourselves, friendships, body image, goals, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, competition, social media, and decision-making.

Council for Boys and Young Men

Rigid beliefs and norms about masculinity are harmful to the health, safety, relationships and opportunities of boys and young men.These beliefs lead to heightened violence, school dropout, physical and sexual risk-taking, substance abuse, sexual violence, crime, and accidents amongst teen boys.Marginalized youth, families and communities are impacted by these risks at greater rates. For marginalized boys, violence is the primary pathway into the school- to- justice system pipeline.

The Council for Boys and Young Men meets a male gender-specific need by addressing and challenging harmful masculinity beliefs and norms and supporting boys in developing safe, healthy identities and behaviors.

  • The Council for Boys and Young Men is working toward a future where boys and young men develop healthy and diverse masculine identities which allow them to grow as respectful leaders and connected allies in their communities.
  • The Council for Boys and Young Men (aka Boys Council) is a strengths-based group approach to promote boys’ and young men’s safe and healthy passage through pre-teen and adolescent years. Boys Council meets a core developmental need for positive relationships, the opportunity to address masculinity definitions and behaviors and to build leadership capacities individually and collectively.
  • The model is a strengths-based approach that is informed by adolescent brain development, trauma responsive and restorative practices, masculinity research, rites of passages, and Relational-Cultural theory.
  • Utilizes validated, evidence based approaches including motivational interviewing, gender norms transformative strategies, resiliency and assets development, and culturally responsive approaches.

Each week I meet with a group of six to ten boys of similar age and development for 1.5 to 2 hours. These meetings are held for ten weeks or more, depending on the capacity of the setting. The group format includes warm up activities, a “council” type check in opportunity, experiential activities that address relevant topics, and a reflection and group dialogue component. The focused activities may include group challenges, games, skits or role plays, arts, and so on.

Topics include: Healthy Competition, Bullying, Emotions, Gender Role Expectations, Self confidence, Teamwork, Conflict Resolution, Finding and Using Power in Healthy Ways, Respecting Others’ Physical Boundaries, Being Allies, Relationships, Education, Leadership, Community Service, Diversity, Media Messages, Personal Values, Integrity, Future Goals, Early Life Challenges and Overcoming Adversity, Cycles of Addiction and Decision Making, Nature as a Healing Environment, and more.