Prepare to Experience the Power of Positive Perspective with Eddie Tranzcendent

Get in touch with Eddie

Above and Beyond with Confidence

Helping men, women and youth live happier, more fulfilling lives of purpose through coaching, education, inspirational presentations and podcasts.


I believe we are all blessed with a Gift and discovering it leads to unleashing our Purpose. Knowing, Understanding, Accepting, Loving, and Believing in YOURSELF is Key!

Self Awareness will be our Foundation and in a safe space we’ll discuss challenging and/or negative beliefs, different perspectives, and open our minds to expanded options that will lead us to potential solutions. I will hold you accountable and make sure you give yourself the best opportunity at living a Life in Purpose.

Are you ready?

Inspirational Presentations

Life’s experiences, challenges, and breakthroughs are the core foundation to my inspiration. Like many of you, without realizing it I have created a versatile tool belt of learnings I strategically use to connect with individuals and groups from all walks of life., a gift I’ve been using for years through sheer kindness and no expectations. Perhaps the reason why I will never retire, speaking is my gift and inspiring is my purpose.

I would love nothing less than to share it with you.


Improving soft skills such as communication, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and team building is key to the overall success of your company, organization, or group. Often used in leadership development, the DiSC Personality Assessment and Interactive Training Program I facilitate is designed to also help improve sales tactics, organizational culture, and manager/employee relationships.

Let’s schedule a meeting to discuss how I could facilitate an interactive training program with your team and together we can begin to improve the trajectory of some or all of the aforementioned skills.

Youth Development

I facilitate gender specific youth programs that employ evidence-based principles of a strengths-based approach, motivational interviewing strategies, and have a strong focus on positive youth development.

Let’s discuss how we can implement either of our programs into your Elementary, Middle and High Schools, Community Based Programs, Child and Foster Services Programs, Juvenile Justice Program, Public, Mental or Behavioral Health Programs, Faith-Based and Spiritual Programs or your Enrichment and Recreational Programs.